$3.37 - 5/13/24 average prompt pay member price (MA)

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The price displayed above is an average of 30+ membership prices from individual dealers across MA or RI.  Since prices vary by location and wholesaler, sign up to receive a more accurate member price for your area.


If you are a member, check your dealer's price by logging into My Account.


Savings per 700 gallons of oil
Despite terribly high prices, we save members money compared to same-day statewide average prices for home heating oil in MA & RI.

Compare our average prices to what non-members pay.

Our members save an average of 15-30 cents per gallon.

Line: Average daily member price, based on 30+ dealers in our network across 2 states.
Dots: State average retail price of full-service oil dealers. Released once per week in fall/winter, and applies that day only.

Customize the graph.

Market commentary

The heating oil market this February saw an early jump in prices well before the traditional spring price increase that pivots around the gasoline market. 

Most of the increases in oil seemed to reflect the sentiment in the Middle East towards the Israel/Palestinian conflict. The related attacks on shipping have raised concerns over pricing.

Throw in the biggest east coast refinery being closed in late January and the market had concerns about supply. Word is that it has reopened so that factor may explain some of the big daily declines we’ve seen in the last week or two.

We’ve seen prices bounce up and down as traders consider the prospects for a cease fire grow or become elusive. The immediate hope for March would be a cease fire and safe nautical passage in the Middle East.

Our prices that have been in the $3.40-3.90 range for most of the heating season to date may head down to the lower end of the scale. After March as we go into spring time is always the time to expect higher prices. 

Most of us don’t require a late season delivery and oil dealers are often loath to over deliver this time of year to avoid complaints. We’ve also had a warm winter in terms of degree days so we’ve all been using a little less, although this year is looking a lot like last year in terms of cold and snow in New England.


Our staff people are ready to help with any questions. Call us at (617) 397-5199, or email us at hello@greenenergyconsumers.org. If you're already a member, you can log in and check your dealer's member price at https://myaccount.greenenergyconsumers.org. If you have not yet used that site, click on "forgot password" to create your login credentials linked to the email address we have on file for you.

How do our prices compare?

Massachusetts' latest price survey of full-service dealers, on Monday, April 29th, posted an average price per gallon of $3.91, with a high price of $4.57 and a low of $3.54. The average prompt-pay price for our members in Massachusetts that day was $3.49 per gallon, for a savings of 42 cents per gallon.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration's latest survey Rhode Island's heating oil price, for the week of Monday, March 25th, was $3.93. The average prompt-pay price for our members in Rhode Island that Monday was $3.41, for a savings of 52 cents per gallon.

Already a member? Tell your friends about your savings
https://www.greenenergyconsumers.org/refer. When a new member joins and gives us your name, we'll thank you with a $50 credit to your account with your Green Energy Consumers oil dealer.