Transparency for your donations

Organizational Financial information

Green Energy Consumers Alliance is a tax-exempt 501c3 non-profit. Donations to our organization are 100% federally tax-deductible. Our federal taxpayer ID # is 04-2791314. Our financials are audited annually by an outside auditor. Our most recently audited financials and federal tax returns are available for download:

Audited Financials
Federal Tax Returns (form 990)

We changed our name in 2018. Before then, we were called by these names:

  • Mass Energy Consumers Alliance in Massachusetts
  • People's Power & Light in Rhode Island
  • Energy Consumers Alliance of New England as a whole


Financial Charts

Left, income by type:
Program Revenue $949,004; Grant & Donation revenue $619,048. (REC Income not shown in chart: $12,663,385)

Middle, expenses by type: 
Direct expenses for grants: $94,174; Other direct program costs: $68,895; Gen Admin (non-personnel): $572,106; Charitable programs: $16,587; Marketing & Communications: $161,182; Personnel, Benefits, Taxes: $1,654,937. (REC Expenses not shown in chart: $11,785,153)

Right, Renewable Energy Certificates 
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are a crucial part of how our organization speeds the transition to clean energy. REC income and expenses for Green Municipal Aggregation and Green Powered are, by far, the largest items in our overall budget. Therefore, we have displayed REC income and spending separately in the third chart.

Annual Report Charts

About Green Powered & Green Municipal Aggregation

About Green Powered and Green Municipal Aggregation

We sign contracts with Class I renewable energy generators, purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to fulfill our obligations to our Green Powered members and Green Municipal Aggregation communities. We buy these RECs wholesale and sell them at a retail price that allows us to operate the programs. We own and operate an account through the ISO-New England Generation Information System, which ensures that there is no double-counting of RECs.

Over 90% of program revenue is put toward the purchase of RECs, while the other 10% supports the operations and marketing.

Green Powered and GMA RECs are retired according to the quarter in which the electricity was generated and used.

About the Heating Oil Service

About the Heating Oil Service

We've negotiated fair prices that are lower than our participating oil dealers' everyday oil prices. Green Energy Consumers collects a small commission per gallon sold to our members from participating oil dealers. This commission does not increase the member price and goes toward program costs and overhead, allowing us to keep dues low.

Membership dues and dealer commission payments are exchanged for a service, so neither are considered charitable contributions.

About Solar with EnergySage

About Solar with EnergySage

Green Energy Consumers has teamed up with EnergySage to promote their online platform because, through years of studying and disseminating information about solar, we've found it to be user-friendly, local business-friendly, unbiased, and the easiest way to get the best price. Green Energy Consumers receives $250 for every successful installation that we refer to EnergySage.