Green Energy Consumers Alliance pioneered Green Municipal Aggregation, and now serves 30 communities in MA & RI with more local renewable electricity than required by state law. Learn about GMA below.
Tax Receipts for 2024
We purchase additional renewable energy on behalf of residents of 42 communities, and the cost of that is included directly on their electricity bills within the supply price. Because we are a 501c3 nonprofit, payments for additional renewable energy are considered charitable contributions and are federally tax-deductible if you itemize.
Visit this page to check if you qualify for a tax receipt and to receive it by email. Thanks for supporting clean energy!
Interactive Map of Aggregations
Click to see each community's status. On touchscreen device use two fingers to zoom in or out.

Key takeaways from our 2023 report on Massachusetts:
- Of the 351 municipalities in Massachusetts, 167 cities and towns currently have an aggregation plan approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU). See our new interactive map above!
*Note that 49 cities and towns receive their power supply from municipal utilities.
- These plans range from including no Class I renewable options (“brown”) to including 30% or more Class I renewable options than are required by state law (“very dark green”), depending on how much renewable content each municipality has opted to incorporate into their program.
What is GMA?
Municipal aggregation (often called Community Choice Electricity) is the process by which a municipality (a town or city) purchases electricity in bulk from a competitive supplier on behalf of the residents and businesses within the community. The fundamental characteristic that distinguishes GMA from traditional aggregations is that the default electricity supply in a GMA includes more Class I renewable content than required by the Massachusetts Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and Clean Energy Standard (CES).
This process allows for important energy decisions to be made at the local level rather than by an investor-owned utility or by a for-profit competitive electricity supplier.
Green Municipal Aggregation, or GMA, is a model that our organization devised with energy broker Good Energy so that communities could support local renewable energy. When a community decides to enact GMA,
- it undergoes a municipal process to approve and pass GMA,
- it goes out to bid for an electricity supplier and secures a long-term price and a cleaner electricity supply, and
- that supplier replaces the utility's Basic Service on residents' bills, offering a more stable price (usually cheaper in the long run, too), and adding more renewable energy than required by state law.
How do I get my community involved?
If you’re interested in learning more about GMA or want to find out how your community can get started, contact Mikaela@greenenergyconsumers.org
If you want to see if you can switch to 100% renewable electricity via your community's GMA program or through our Green Powered program, start here.
Green Energy Consumers supplies renewable energy to the community electricity aggregations listed below. For a list of all communities with aggregations in Massachusetts (whether Green Energy Consumers is the supplier of renewable energy or not), click here.
Name | Renewable electricity (added by default) | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) | Website |
Name Andover, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 15% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website acp.andoverma.gov |
Name Arlington, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 30% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website arlingtoncca.com |
Name Barrington, RI | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website barringtoncommunityelectricity.com |
Name Bedford, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 20% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website bedfordcca.com |
Name Belchertown, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website belchertownenergychoice.com |
Name Boxford, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website boxfordelectricity.com |
Name Brookline, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 36-45% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website brooklinegreen.com |
Name Central Falls, RI | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website centralfallscommunityelectricity.com |
Name Cohasset, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy | Website electricity.cohassetma.org |
Name Dedham, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Constellation New Energy | Website masscea.com/dedham |
Name Fairhaven, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Constellation New Energy | Website masscea.com/fairhaven |
Name Gloucester, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Constellation New Energy | Website gloucester-cea.com |
Name Hamilton, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website hamiltoncca.com |
Name Hanson, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy Services | Website hansoncommunitypower.com |
Name Malden, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website maldencommunityelectricity.com |
Name Marshfield, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy | Website marshfield-ma.gov |
Name Medfield, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy Services | Website electricity.medfield.net |
Name Medford, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website medfordcea.com |
Name Melrose, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website mcp.cityofmelrose.org |
Name Milford, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy Services | Website milfordcommunityelectricity.com |
Name Millis, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Constellation New Energy | Website https://empower.millisma.gov/ |
Name Milton, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website miltoncea.com |
Name Narragansett, RI | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website narragansettcommunitychoiceelectricity.com |
Name Newport, RI | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website newportcommunityelectricity.com |
Name Portsmouth, RI | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website electricity.portsmouthri.com |
Name Providence, RI | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website electricity.providenceri.gov |
Name Quincy, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website quincycea.com |
Name Rockland, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website rockland-cea.com |
Name Scituate, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy | Website electricity.scituatema.gov |
Name Somerville, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 20% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy | Website somervillecce.com |
Name South Kingstown, RI | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website electricity.southkingstownri.com |
Name Stoneham, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 5% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website stonehamcea.com |
Name Townsend, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Constellation | Website townsendcommunityelectricity.com |
Name Waltham, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Dynegy | Website waltham-cea.com |
Name Westford, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Constellation New Energy | Website masscea.com/westford |
Name Westwood, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy | Website townhall.westwood.ma.us |
Name Winchester, MA | Renewable electricity (added by default) 20% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) NextEra | Website winpowerma.com |
Name | Renewable electricity (added by default) 10% | Supplier (what you'll see on your electric bill) Direct Energy | Website |