Heating Oil Service
Become a member. Get a dealer. Get a discount. Save energy.
$3.16- is today's average member price for MA
Our members typically save $150-$250 per 700 gallons delivered when compared to MA & RI statewide average prices for full-service dealers. We almost exclusively assign our members to full-service dealers who meet our standards, because:
- full-service oil dealers offer the most reliable way to keep your tank full and working properly, but
- full-service oil dealers typically cost more than will call delivery companies, so our discount is helpful!
Through group buying power, we bring you the best of both worlds: a full-service dealer and a discounted price. Our non-profit buying group program has been saving Mass & RI residents energy and money since 1982. Join over 7,000 members and start getting a fair price on oil, all year long, plus assistance to save more money by saving energy while staying comfortable.