Sourcing Greener Energy

wind turbines

 Learn how small businesses can source renewable energy and save money. 

In this webinar you'll learn how to:

  • Source renewable energy credits (RECs) from municipal aggregation programs, purchase power agreements, or community solar that not only decreases emissions but can lower electricity costs.
  • Take advantage of the 30% federal tax credit - investing in an on-site solar array can prove lucrative for businesses that own or even lease their space and have a suitable rooftop or parking lot.
  • Utilize a combination of municipal aggregation and community solar, which Portico Brewing in Somerville (MA) did to secure a favorable kWh supply rate for a fixed time, decrease its overall bill by 10%, and meet its sustainability goal of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

There will be plenty of time for Q+A.


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Meeting ID: 638 600 0439